privacy policy

* After adding the following, all your documents get hidden.

* Withdrawal date depends on the plan.

* Whatever plan you have opted for, there is no specific mention of percentage, hence your investment will go up and down according to the amount.

* if you add the amount while the plan is running, it will be topop only after withdrawal but your topop amount should be in the wallet 7 days before the withdrawal date.

* Once the plan is activated, you cannot cancel the plan for 150 days. If you want to cancel the plan after 150 days, 4.5% swap will be deducted. All this will be in the plan.

* If you cancel the plan within 90 days then 15% of the swap will be deducted.

* If you want to cancel the payment, you will have to mail it 10 days before the withdrawal date. And within 7 to 10 days of withdrawal, you will get your amount after deducting the swap.

* If your amount is less than the plan, your amount will be deducted from the master ID of MAGMA REVOLUTION, you will only get Bonus. You will get CC mail, not Primary Mail.

* Whatever be your plan, there should be a minimum topup of 1250USD after every 1/2 payout. If it is not topped up till 4 months then ID will be canceled and 32% swap will be deducted at the time of refund of your amount.

* Now whatever old plan was running has been updated in the new plan. And whatever amount was due from the plan, the referral of Magma Revolution has been linked to ID.

* After your plan is activated, all these rules are applicable on you. If you oppose it then Magma Revolution is not responsible.

Basic Investment Plan

  • 4820-36145
  • 8-13%
  • Recommendations
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Magma Plus Plan (AI Trading)

  • 7230-120485
  • 10-15%
  • Recommendations
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Magma Prime Plan (AI Trading)

  • 60240-120485
  • 12-18%
  • Recommendations
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Premium Plus Plan

$145000 above
  • 145000 above
  • 3.5%
  • Recommendations
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Our Training Program

  • Forex Basics
  • ICT Concept
  • SMC Concept
  • Perday 2 signal lifetime (XAUUSD Pair)

Price: $144

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